Before you submit your deck please review our answers to 12 FAQs by other founders:

  • The best way to start our process is to submit the 30 sec. form with a link to your deck at the end of this Q&A. If what you're building is relevant to our thesis, we'll definitely reach back out! If you don't hear from us, it's never a personal judgment on the quality of your work.

  • Yes, if your solution is not built on-chain and does not have a B2B angle, then we're not the right investors for you.

  • We're equity-first and unlike other investors you may have encountered in your fundraising journey, we're not interested in quick cash grabs or exiting fast by dumping your Token.

    We do NOT invest in Crypto.

  • Yes. Although we like European founders, we recognize superstars can come from anywhere and therefore our investment mandate is global.

    As a side note, we're also genuinely inclusive and half of our team is female.

  • Our first ticket will always be $150k. It may be part of a larger round you're raising, but our investment and value-add will likely be most effective and impactful in your early days!

    We also do follow-on rounds in our best-performing portfolio companies.

  • Each opportunity is assessed separately and with commercial realism, but usually between 3-6%.

    Unfortunately, we don't invest at a $15MM valuation pre-revenue... Sorry

  • We believe execution makes all the difference so we invest in MVPs and not just ideas on a deck. No product = no investment.

  • We're a small team and can make a decision pretty swiftly! However, we will do as many founder interviews as necessary until we have collected enough information. We perform commercial and technical due diligence internally.

  • We ask you to wait 6 months and reach out again. We're all on a constant journey of improvement as humans and we understand you can learn A LOT in half a year :)

  • Absolutely not! That would be preposterous, and unethical. Our accelerator program is our unique value-add to founders as investors. We are not service providers and will never ever charge startups. We buy equity.

  • No. The two sides of our deal don't exist without one another: we don't "just accelerate" and we don't "just invest".

    All our investments are expected to attend our GTM accelerator program in Lisbon, in person. You will receive full support from our team with your logistics.

  • We're nurturers as much as we are investors. Our promise to you as partners is that we will be by your side and enable you in the toughest part of your entrepreneurial journey, which from our POV is the start. We've been there, through successes and war stories, and know how to build revenue-generating businesses from the ground up.